Our Focus Is On Your Safety
Our personal dedication to maintaining a safe environment for you, your family, and our team is paramount. As your caring and conscientious dental team, we already – and always follow strict disinfecting and sterilization mandates and recommendations from the highest authorities. Be reassured that your family’s safety is our #1 concern.
Along with our already-stringent equipment and treatment room sterilization protocols, we are committed to:
- To maintain social distancing, we have installed air purifiers in every room, decreased waiting room capacity, and limited the number of staff and patients in the clinic at one time.
- All patients, staff, and personnel are screened prior to entering the building on the phone and in the parking lot.
- Masks are worn by patients while in the office, outside of treatment.
- You will find our staff now wearing more protective equipment than before including caps, face shields, masks, and gowns.
- Routinely sterilizing all non-treatment areas including restrooms, waiting areas, and consultation rooms – just like we’ve always done. Rest assured that door handles will be sanitized after each use.
In addition to safety, we’re focusing on more areas to assist you in feeling more confident, comfortable, and safe at your next appointment.
- Communication – If you have any questions whatsoever about attending our practice, please ask! One of our team members will be happy talk with you, clearly & honestly.
- Treatment Plan Fulfilment – To ensure your most beautiful & healthy smile, it’s important that we continue to be proactive with your dental care, taking a preventive approach. We'll be scheduling to complete as much treatment as possible in a single visit to limit the number of patients through our office.
What Is Patient Screening?
While the threat of SARS-CoV-2 infection remains in our community, we will be screening patients before appointments by asking recent-health questions. Screening will happen twice: over the phone when we confirm your date and time, and when you arrive at the practice. To remove any mystery or anxiety around screening, here’s what we’ll be asking...
- Have you felt hot or feverish in the last 14 days? Do you have a fever now?
- Do you have shortness of breath or other breathing difficulties?
- Do you have a cough, typical cold symptoms, hoarse voice, fatigue, or headache?
- Any flu-like symptoms like stomach/intestinal upset?
- Have you experienced recent loss of taste or smell?
- And when you arrive at our practice, we’ll ask if we may take your temperature.
To keep everyone safe, if you answer yes to these questions, we’ll reschedule your appointment for when you are symptom-free.
Before Your Appointment
- You must have a scheduled appointment we are currently not accepting walk-ins.
- We will be emailing or texting you an easy to answer intake screening form to review, complete and sign. We ask that you return this to us prior to your appointment time.
- We ask that if you have a fever or any other symptoms of illness that you kindly reschedule your appointment.
Upon Your Arrival to the Office
- We ask that you please be on time for your appointment to avoid crossing with other patients as much as possible.
- Please call or message us to advise us of your arrival. In the mean time, please wait in your car or outside the office.
- We will text you when we are ready for you to enter the office to do your pre-appointment screening.
- We will review your intake form BEFORE you enter the office.
- We will be taking your temperature with a touchless infrared thermometer upon entering.
- ONLY scheduled patients will be allowed entry into the office- Parents and caregivers will be asked to wait outside whenever possible.
- Social distancing will be in effect with limited seating in the reception area to be used only when absolutely necessary.
- All common areas will be cleaned and sterilized throughout the day.
- There will be no physical contact with patients with the exception of treatment.
Don’t let your oral health care routine be disrupted during these unprecedented times. Be assured that our office always follows the strictest sterilization protocols and takes every necessary precaution for your safety. It would be our privilege to get you back on track with the professional care that’s so important to your oral and overall health.
If you’re a current patient, or a new to us, please call us at (289) 814-3574 with your dental-related questions. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Dr. Fares Sbaiti and Team