You Want To Transform Your Smile In As Little As One Visit

Transform Your Smile In As Little As One Visit

Did you know that smiling is the best way to make a first impression? It’s an incredibly important part of everyone’s appearance, and in surveys, “your smile” always comes out on top of what people notice first.

Here’s one of my favourite quotes, written by Denis Waitley (one of the most listened-to voices on personal and career success):

“A smile is a light I your window that tells other than there is a caring, sharing person inside.”

And here are a couple of insightful statistics:

  • 48% of adults think a smile is the most memorable feature after they meet someone for the first time
  • 33% of people are unhappy with their smile
  • Research shows that those of us who smile more are healthier and feel happier and that even a “fake smile” will boost your mood by firing off endorphins. Imagine what a real, filled-with-happiness smile can do!

When I was first starting in dentistry, two things became very clear very quickly. Everyone wants to have a pain-free smile and everyone wants to have a great smile (my patients’ #1 goal, hands down). It’s unfortunate that fear or memories of poor experiences in the past keep people from getting what they really want.

At Roseborough Dental, we focus on your comfort and alleviating any anxiety you may feel … and we do it with 100% compassionate care.